• COVID-19 Medical
  • Oscar Corcho


We have annotated the corpus (full papers and their sentences) with their ATC codes, and made this resource available as an easy to query repository. Besides, we are applying probabilistic topic modelling and clustering techniques to cluster drugs, symptoms, diseases, etc.

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  • COVID-19 Medical
  • Gonçalo Ribeiro

YData - Share sensitive information with privacy by design.

Synthetic data is artificially generated data that replicates the statistical components of real-world data without containing any identifiable information. It can be seen as a new form of anonymisation that is not traceable back to the original records or breakable using decryption mechanisms.

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  • COVID-19 Logistics
  • Asier Barredo

Supply Chain Simulation in Order to Speed up the Vaccines & Medicines Transport after the D-Day

It is estimated that there will be a period of 2 or 3 years until the world population is vaccinated due to logistical problems.

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  • COVID-19 Other
  • Marcello Petitta

Climate, pollution, meteo data for COVID-19 analysis

The solution is provided in form of a web maps from which all the available data can be explored in terms of fatalities, hospitalization and affected people. Moreover, the climatic condition in terms of temperature, humidity and pollution data.

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  • COVID-19 People
  • Richard Stevens

Ethical Considerations to consider in BIg Data Analytics

This is a series of documents describing the Ethical and legal constraints of using BigData as well as the community position on these topics (before the outbreak of Covid-19) as well as a number of guidelines for assessing and implementing Privacy preserving technologies.

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  • Pedro Garcia Lopez

IBM PyWren

PyWren is an open source project whose goals are massively scaling the execution of Python code and its dependencies on serverless computing platforms and monitoring the results.

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  • COVID-19 Medical
  • Tocco

Data Sharing

Response to the impacts related to the COVID-19 crisis, and following the fairly unanimous call to accelerate data sharing, as a key contributor to solving this situation, Dawex took the initiative to launch the COVID-19 Data Exchange. This pro bono initiative is already suppo

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  • Platform / Framework
  • CLASS Consortium

CLASS -Edge an d Cloud Computation: A Highly distributed Software for Big Data Analytics

Current trends towards the use of big data technologies in the context of smart cities suggest the need for developing novel software development ecosystems upon which advanced mobility functionalities can be developed.

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  • Platform / Framework
  • Germán Herrero

AGORA - Unlocking data-driven business potentials for cross-sectorial industries

AGORA is the B2B data platform broker of Atos to connect Data Providers and Data Consumers, facilitating the access, acquisition and trade-off of Connected Vehicle and Smart Home data under the standardized data model (CIDM).

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  • Platform / Framework
  • ELASTIC consortium

ELASTIC: A Software Architecture for Extreme-ScaLe Big-Data AnalyticS in Fog CompuTIng ECosystems

Big data technologies are nowadays being integrated in systems that are required to process a vast amount of information from geographically distributed data sources.

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