The solution is provided in form of a web maps from which all the available data can be explored in terms of fatalities, hospitalization and affected people. Moreover, the climatic condition in terms of temperature, humidity and pollution data. We have not only the historical data, but also the seasonal forecast.
The solution is based on web app and can immediately scaled up using the commercial available resourches.
Health, Climate
This solution an be used AS COMPLEMENT of further epidemiological research allowing the researcher to easily combine climate and pollution data with spread of COVID-19 virus. IT could help to find specific explanation regarding the higher spread in specific areas.
It helps epidemiologist in find relationship among the COVID-19 spread around the world and the climatic conditions, as well s the pollution condition in a particular area. Some works have been already done which shows a correlation among specific climate conditions and pollution concentrations and the number of hospitalization due to COVID-19