Brief description

Metsää is an eService provided by the governmental body, the Finnish Forest Centre (METSAK), to make forest resource information available for citizens free of charge. Metsää as an eService serves forest owners and forestry service providers. Metsää is a portal through which people who own forest property in Finland can conduct business related to their forests from their own desktops. The portal connects owners with related third parties, including providers of forestry services. This makes it easy to manage forestry work and to be in touch with forestry professionals. 

The Finnish Forest Centre has an important role to activate the different actors of the forestry sector to utilize Big Data and the third parties to develop new solutions and applications for forest owners and other actors. Currently about 90 percent of private Finnish forestry estates have laser scanned and analysed forest resource data available online. The coverage will be 95 percent by 2020.

Main Features

At the moment, there are two recognized areas on crowdsourcing solutions to be piloted: showing quality control data for young stand improvement and early tending for seedling stand, and forest damage data.

Metsää is an eService provided by the governmental body, the Finnish Forest Centre (METSAK), to make forest resource information available for citizens free of charge. Metsää eService is constantly developed by METSAK. The new type of data collecting methods are also aimed to increase the amount of METSAK’s forest resource data. The plan in DataBio-project was to pilot Metsää databases and e-service integration to the national service architecture of Finland (based on X-Road approach) where important features were for example data and user security, single-login and easy user role-based authentication and data access permissions. The chosen pilot areas consisted of single-login and user role-based authentication implementation integrated to e-authorization as well as open-data interface to environmental and other public data in Metsää databases.

Areas of Application


Market Trends and Opportunities

In Finland, there are vast amounts of passively owned forests that could serve both financial and environmental needs for forest management more effectively. Also, many novel forest health problems are likely to occur in the future without innovative forest management solutions that can enable appropriate management activities. A major concern of forest authorities is how to encourage forest owners to better manage their assets. The Finnish Forest Centre provides Metsää eService for forest owners and forestry operators to support the management of privately owned forests and to enhance the use of forest resource data. Metsää eService is constantly improved by means of increasing the forest data and functionalities related to it. 

Customer Benefits

Metsää is an eService provided by the governmental body, the Finnish Forest Centre (METSAK), to make forest resource information available for citizens free of charge. Metsää as an eService serves forest owners and forestry service providers. Metsää is a portal through which people who own forest property in Finland can conduct business related to their forests from their own desktops. The portal connects owners with related third parties, including providers of forestry services. This makes it easy to manage forestry work and to be in touch with forestry professionals. 

As soon as they log in, users can see what should be done in their forests right now. Information is visible for each forest stand compartment, broken down by soil type, tree type and natural occurrence, and possible logging or other forestry actions are suggested. Maps and aerial photographs clearly show where properties are located and how they look like. Users log in securely using their online banking codes or mobile device authentication application. At the moment the service is offered in Finnish and Swedish. 

Technological novelty

In DataBio-project the plan was to pilot Metsää databases and e-service integration to the national service architecture of Finland (based on X-Road approach) where important features were for example data and user security, single-login and easy user role-based authentication and data access permissions. Open forest data service, as well as related crowdsourcing services, was also included in this pilot.