Brief description

When traveling, we often wonder: What can I do tomorrow? Where can I go?

Our solution: Minotour

A Smart Personal Assistant for promoting the global tourism offer of a territory. It is intended to tourism professionals like DMOs and available on all instant messaging platforms and connected speakers.

Minotour provides real-time conversation with travelers. It delivers 24/24 the right information at the right time and in the right place depending on the traveler context.

Thanks to our big data platform behind called City Moove, Minotour enables considerable time saving for tourism professionals by automatically collecting and processing the data related to the tourism offer: events, activities, points of interest, accommodation, food and local businesses.

The City Moove solution allows to centralize tourist data in a single medium to provide:

  • reliable,
  • unique,
  • homogeneous
  • relevant information.

It allows the collection of numerous sources and in different file formats:

A first version of Minotour exploiting the City Moove Big Data platform will be marketed in 2019 against the backdrop of a rapidly expanding global tourism market with 1.32 billion tourists representing a revenue of $ 1.34 trillion (that is, an expenditure of $ 1000 per tourist) with a growth of 7% in 2017.

A real opportunity for investors ...

Main Features
  • Verbalization of answers thanks to NLU technology
  • The Big Data and semantic City Moove platform feeds Minotour. This is why it is so sharp and informed about a destination,
  • reply to the tourism data' 4 challenges : collection of all data sources, availibility (booking, ticketing, real time information, ...), quality of the data, format of the data,
  • reply to the 4 axes of the tourism decision process : how, why, where and when. 
  • Interoperability : all type of mediums can be supported (Web portals, instant messaging system, Mobile apps, interactive boards, ...)


Areas of Application

Tourism area : The minotour solution is for B2B tourism entities such as local authorities, Travel agencies, Tour operators, DMOs to help them promoting their territory, tourism's product and services to their customers (Tourists and citizen). 

Market Trends and Opportunities
  • International tourist arrivals in Europe reached 671 million in 2017, a remarkable 8% increase following a comparatively weaker 2016. Growth was driven by the extraordinary results in Southern and Mediterranean Europe (+13%). Western Europe (+7%), Northern Europe and Central and Eastern Europe (both +5%) also recorded robust growth.
  • The tour and activity sector generated 37,000 million euro in Europe in 2015, tripling the total market size of car rental (10,000, million euros) and reaching almost half the total market for hotel reservations (80,000 million euro) (Phocuswright, 2016)
  • Social messaging will account for 2.5 billion global users by 2018, more than the 2 billion general social media users (Skift Megatrends Defining Travel in 2016)
  • Travellers are likely to spend more on sightseeing than on shopping, souvenirs and nightlife combined (TripBarometer, 2015)
  • 65% of tourist book hotels reservations for the same day on a mobile device (Statistic Brain, 2015)
  • Mobile bookings in travel have grown by 1700% between 2011 and 2015, moving from 1% to 18% of online revenues (Frederic Gonzalo, 2016)
  • Millennials will represent the #1 consumer segment in the U.S. hotel industry by 2018, if not 2017 (Frederic Gonzalo, 2016


Customer Benefits

Users (Tourist & Citizen):

  • find all the local tourism offer in a snap: events, activities, sightseeings, hotels, food, ...)
  • using a natural dialogue in an instant messaging system (i.e. Facebook Messenger (c)) or a vocal app (i.e. Amazon Echo / Alexa (c)) to be informed about the tourism offer "in destination"

Customers (B2B) :

  • to be informed about the global tourism offer of their territory,
  • to promote tourism places, services and events happening in their destination,
  • to collect automatically the tourism data to disseminate in a media application or to use it in Minotour, the digital tourist guide. 
Technological novelty
  • Natural Langage Understanding (NLU) and combination of several NLU engines for an optimal training
  • IA and ANNs (Artificial Neural Networks) for a day to day enhancement of the different users' intents understanding
  • City Moove : Knowledge graph (RDF), Big Data and semantic processing thanks to machine learning algorithms to collect the data of the global tourism offer of a destination and then to be exploited by Minotour to reply to all tourist and citizen questions.